14 Jun 2007

Covenant Love.

covenant Love.

Pastor Phelim Doherty

“This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 1Corinthians 11:25

We can never understand the way God works in our lives, why He answers some prayers and not others, until we come to understand that Covenant is at the heart, at the centre, of everything He does and that it is His purpose in dealing with us, that covenant would be at the heart of everything we do.

We can think of a covenant as an agreement between two parties, in which both commit to certain requirements. But a covenant, in the biblical sense, implies much more than a contract or simple agreement. A contract always has an end date, while a covenant is a permanent arrangement. Another difference is that a contract generally involves only one part of a person, such as a skill, while a covenant covers a person’s total being.

We can see from that definition that marriage, from a Biblical perspective, is more than just a contract, it is a covenant.

The amazing thing about God’s covenants with His people is that God is holy, all-knowing, and all powerful; but He consents to enter into covenants with people who are weak, sinful, and imperfect.

God has made a covenant with you and I, and our weaknesses, our imperfections and our sin have been taken account of and taken care of by the power of this new Covenant, which is sealed in the blood of Jesus.

But covenant also makes you vulnerable. It is a risk to love like that, because in opening your heart to someone, the danger is that they will break your heart. Every parent knows that. We know that the more you love someone, the more vulnerable you are to be hurt by them. If a colleague at work betrays you, it will hurt you. But if your husband or wife or children betray you, it will do more, it will wound you. Why?

Because covenant relationships run between hearts, not heads.

Isn’t it amazing to think that the all powerful, almighty God of the Universe became vulnerable to be hurt by ordinary people like us, because He chose to love us? Just think of that.

You and I have the power to grieve the Spirit of God. What gives us that power? ……….His covenant love for us.

Copyright The Global Village Newsline 2007

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